Recovery Meetings
November 1, 2021 @ 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Recovery Meetings
Recovery Meetings – Experience, Strength, Hope
Nightly at 7:30PM EST
Join us seven nights a week from the safety of your home on the Zoom platform for a peer support based live online recovery meeting regardless of your pathway to recovery. Whether you attend AA, NA, Refuge Recovery or any other type of addiction support program, all are welcome. The meetings will start with a speaker followed by fellowship and sharing. All meetings are confidential will follow the same principle of 12 step meetings that “who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here.”
Meeting Type:
Monday | 7:30pm
Host: Jimmy Bakes
Co-host: Laura C
Meeting Type: Speaker Meeting
Tuesday | 7:30pm
Host: Alyssa Ivers
Co-host: Marta Myers
Meeting Type: Speaker Meeting
Wednesday | 7:30pm
Host: Miranda Berkeley
Co-host: Bree Tanona
Meeting Type: Step Meeting
Thursday | 7:30pm
Host: Denise Randolph
Co-host: Pam Rickard
Meeting Type: Open Speaker Meeting
Friday | 7:30pm
Host: Sean McMillen
Co-host: Heidi Platt
Meeting Type: Meditation Meeting
Saturday | 7:30pm
Host: Alyssa Horton
Co-host: Bree Tanona
Meeting Type: Open Speaker Meeting
Sunday | 7:30pm
Host: Marta Myers
Co-host: Sean McMillen
Meeting Type: Open Speaker Meeting
How to Join:
No registration required. However, You will need to download the Zoom app on your phone or visit zoom.us on your computer to create your free account. If you wish to remain anonymous, when creating a zoom account, simply use an initial for your last name.
Join Herren Project Recovery Meeting on a computer, smartphone or ipad:
Meeting ID: 581 471 639
Call in:
Dial by your location using meeting ID: 581 471 639
+1 301 715 8592 US